What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment, which is also wrongly referred to as denervation, consists of removing the root of a tooth, cleaning and shaping the space of the canal therapy (RCT) and finally filling it to prevent the penetration of bacteria into it. The area and the return of bacteria to the nervous system of the tooth. The purpose of root canal treatment is to allow the tooth to remain in the mouth without the presence of living nerves in it, and by doing this, it is possible to use the possible toothache while chewing food and to talk about the beauty of the tooth remaining in the mouth and having a beautiful smile.

The steps of root canal treatment or tooth extraction;
Root canal treatment takes place in 4 main stages. The first step is to access the root canal of the tooth. The second step is to determine the string length. The third step is cleaning and shaping the canal and the fourth step is filling the canal. Stay with us , we will show you the steps of root canal treatment.

Root canal treatment or tooth extraction is performed by a specialist or a general dentist.
Depending on how difficult the task is, usually between 1 and 2 sessions of root canal treatment are performed.

The first stage of root canal treatment

In the first stage, radiological photo (opg photo) is taken of the tooth to perform an examination and check the condition and extent of tooth damage. In order to avoid pain during root canal treatment, a local anesthetic is used to prevent pain. Of course, the pain during tooth extraction may be very high due to abscess and tooth infection. After anesthetizing the tooth, a plastic rod is inserted into the patient’s mouth to remove saliva, Then the caries that have developed in the tooth are removed and the dentin is opened to access the tooth pulp stem. And a small tool is also used to remove infections.

The second stage of root canal treatment

In the second stage of denervation, after removing the damaged pulp, the pulp stem and root canals are emptied and cleaned. It is important that all areas of the canal are cleaned of all infections and dried before permanent filling of root canals.

Of course, we should also mention that when cleaning and emptying the tooth canals, the tooth root canals may change shape and enlarge in order to make access for tooth filling easier. After emptying and cleaning the dental canal, medicines are poured into the dental canal to clean and empty the tooth of any infection, and the patient’s tooth may remain open for a few days to remove liquid and possible secretions from it. If the infection has penetrated the inner layers of the tooth, i.e. the tooth root, the patient may be prescribed antibiotics.

If root canal treatment requires several treatment sessions, the tooth is temporarily filled to keep the tooth away from food and contact with saliva. In any case, during this period, avoid chewing or biting with the tooth that is being denervated until the tooth is treated and restored.

The third stage of root canal treatment

After completely emptying the infection and drying the tooth, the tooth canal is filled. At this stage, it may be necessary to inject anesthetics. If your tooth has been temporarily filled as mentioned in the second step, first this filling is removed so that the inside of the tooth can be accessed.

At this stage, special dental materials are used to fill the tooth, so that the protection of the root canals against saliva and the penetration of foreign substances can be ensured.

The fourth stage of root canal treatment

The last stage of root canal treatment is the stage of tooth restoration. Because the tooth is usually weakened and filled with a lot of decay in this state, it is necessary to restore the tooth in order to protect it from future damage and to help the tooth return to its normal function. Tooth restoration is done by a dental veneer, which makes the tooth look natural.

Dental veneers are usually made of gold, porcelain or a combination of porcelain and metal. A crown made of porcelain or a combination of porcelain and metal can be shaded to be white and not different from other teeth.

After denervation of the tooth, the restored tooth with a new tooth coating can continue to function normally.
In the first days after root canal treatment, the tooth may become sensitive and the slightest cold or heat or chewing will cause severe pain in the person. Painkillers can be used to control this problem. Call your doctor if pain or pressure persists for more than a few days

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